I was contacted by the application developers to check a query which resulted in an ORA-56904 in a Oracle Database. The query used Pivot to select data from a partitioned table which was stored in memory (INMEMORY clause). Without the INMEMORY clause the query was running fine. To recreate the scenario I used the following simplified test-case:…
Read More →One of our Avaloq Databases crashed with the following information in the alert log: Wed Mar 02 19:10:22 2016 PMON (ospid: 26747): terminating the instance due to error 471 Wed Mar 02 19:10:23 2016 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=26747 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. System State dumped to trace file /u00/oracle/orabase/diag/rdbms/ora5prim/ORA5/trace/ORA5_diag_26774_20160302191023.trc Instance terminated by…
Read More →Oracle offers the dbms_logmnr package to look inside the archivelogs of the database. you can only view every DML with the LogMiner if you have previously enabled at least minimal supplemental logging. To verify if it is enabled you can run the following query: SQL> select SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_MIN from v$database; SUPPLEME ——– YES Now let’s say we need to…
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